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University of Cincinnai: Year 3

Last year, I ended off reflecting on the significance of relationships and how they shape and impact the nature of your everyday life. As I embark to reflect upon this year, I find it necessary to start in a similar fashion. Every year I have spent at UC has been one of evolutionary development, and the acquisition of opportunities. None of these changes, however, would have been remotely possible without the individuals I met who went out of their way to put me in a position to succeed. More so than any other year, my life changed dramatically in year three. For the first time ever, my career has begun to take a physical form.


I started off the academic year the same way I have every year at UC, participating in the University Honors Retreat. Just as I had as an incoming student and as a past retreat leader I had the opportunity to connect with a phenomenal group of people through the retreat, as well as meet fresh and enthusiastic students starting their careers at the university. It was almost surreal thinking that it had been two years since I had first come to the retreat as an incoming student. Having the opportunity to go to Camp Kern three straight years is truly something that I will always cherish. It always started me off on the right foot, and gave me an incredible sense of energy for the challenges ahead.


As I had mentioned in my Year in Review last year, I was involved in a slew of different activities across campus. Through a combination of student organizations, research opportunities, and social endeavors there was almost never a dull moment. I was even given the chance to serve as an undergraduate student representative on two academic policy committees in the Provost’s office, where I had a voting role in the creation of several new academic programs, and worked with the Faculty Senate to pass resolutions to better position undergraduate students for success in the classroom.

Through my involvements, I received recognition by being tapped into both the Cincinnatus Honorary and Omicron Delta Kappa. I was even voted by my peers to the Homecoming Court. 


The most important experience I had in my third year, however, was through one of my fall semester honors experiences; the class, “Inquiry to Innovation.” Through this class, I met Cory Christopher and Rob Richardson, who have evolved into two of the most important mentors I have ever had. This class not only helped me gain a higher understanding for what I am passionate about, but also taught me practical skills to use to make a tangible impact on the surrounding community.


After the fall semester, I was incredibly lucky to have the opportunity to continue working with Rob, which has taken me all the way to where I am now. There is a good deal of uncertainty in the distant future, but I have certainly learned the value of remaining open and exposing myself to situations that will generate success. I intend to graduate after the fall semester, half of a year early, to continue with my current job and then to pursue a legal education at some point in the future.


Though I have gone through a great deal of change and disruption, I have also been absolutely blessed to encounter and interact with the people that have provided pathways to success. Though I am not entirely certain of what tomorrow holds for me, I am filled with gratitude for the opportunity to take on each new day. I am beyond excited to begin my final chapter at the University of Cincinnati, and look to end on the strongest note possible.

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